Top 5 Digital Marketing Trends for 2023

After the pandemic, the buying patterns of people had changed for good and businesses with websites or providing delivery had profited the most from it as people had always preferred to buy online rather than go out.

Welcome to 2023, with recession around the corner, continuous increase in inflation, and people coming out of their houses to explore the local markets, digital marketing personnel need to adjust to the change in trends. The challenges due to geopolitical tensions, and fiscal insecurity will make 2023 quite a challenging year. However, an online business cannot just clasp the pause button this year and wait to see how things pan out. To survive, businesses need to hone their marketing strategies according to the current Digital Marketing Trends.

Most businesses have already mapped out their plans for 2023 and beyond for their online presence. As per Statista there are over 5.16 billion internet users across the globe. Such an online customer base is a huge market that any business can’t ignore. Smart businesses analyze the latest trends and plan online marketing accordingly. Digital Marketing is an ever-evolving process but experts have always educed their strategies to keep on with the changing marketing trends. There’s no doubt that 2023 will also be a year of sharpening their focus for digital marketing experts.

What significant digital marketing trends are likely to occur in 2023? This blog will guide you through the digital marketing trends likely to crop up in 2023 and will transform your future marketing efforts.

Top 5 Digital Marketing Trends for 2023:

Social Media and Influencer Marketing

With over 4.26 billion Social Media users who remain active for around 144 minutes per day, social media will continue to be vital for targeted marketing in 2023 and beyond. It has allowed marketers to reach and connect with their audience by creating engaging content. It has become a strong medium to build brand awareness, generate leads, create brand authenticity, and build a community or fanbase. With the importance of social media comes the importance of influencers.

According to HubSpot’s 2023 Marketing Strategy & Trends Report, influencer marketing will continue to climb up the investment ladder due to its high ROI. The report suggests that 1 in every 4 marketers is currently using social media influencers for their online marketing. It anticipates that influencer marketing will see definite growth this year as more than 17% of marketers are planning to invest in this strategy for the first time.

Local Marketing will continue to be relevant

People generally look to purchase products or services in the most convenient way, which often means getting them locally. Local marketing is used to target and reach potential leads within a calculated distance of a business’s location. This is why marketers use it as a lead-generation strategy for small and medium businesses.

Google Statistics shows that searches for “shopping near me” has increased by over 200% in the last few years. According to SafariDigital, 97% of users searched online to find a local business in 2022. The importance of local marketing will grow in 2023, and the focus on local marketing will continue for many years to come.

AI Technologies and the launch of GPT-4

Many people might not have heard of GPT-4 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 4), a state-of-the-art tool that can help you automate tasks. Developed by OpenAI it is a next-generation deep learning model that is trained through content available online. It is widely used by marketers, content creators, and coders for answering questions, summarizing texts, code generation, machine translation, and conversation AI.

ChatGPT has been in news lately for experts expressing concern that it can be used by students to bypass the need to write assignments themselves. It can also have negative implications for content producers, as they can be replaced by AI.

There is most likely to be disruptions caused due to the launch of AI and Chat GPT as it might lead to over-saturation of contents, however, high-quality pieces will definitely stand out and get ranked on the top of the SERPs.

Youth-centered Marketing

Gen Z is the first generation of kids who have grown up with access to high-speed internet. The most compatible platforms for this generation are dynamic and visually entertaining online communication media. And Yes! Gen Z is not the “next generation” of potential buyers, they are the current generation with over USD140 Billion of purchasing power in their purse and are almost 35% of total customers online.

Gen Zers choose to connect only with the brands that truly fascinate them and hold their interest as they are more experimental and imaginative. They only trust ads that are authentic, honest, and transparent. Most of them don’t like to feel that they are being sold a product or service. They like short-video content with great visuals, that’s why Tik-Tok and Reels have the most active traffic today.

Tapping into this customer base requires campaigns that allure their values, motivate them, and have a better brand identity.

Greater efficiency in Google Ads

According to Google Support, Quality Score can be a valuable tool in identifying ways to improve ads, keywords, and landing pages. We can think of Quality Score as a general indicator of which areas to focus on to improve ad quality, rather than a score to be optimized.

We can expect Google Ads automation to multiply as marketers try to optimize their campaigns and reach their target audiences more effectively. This includes bid optimization, ad creation as well as testing. This can help in improving efficiency and effectiveness.

Marketers may adopt hybrid approaches that can be a combination of automation and manual management which can be the best approach. Here are the 4 steps to increase the efficiency of the Ad campaign and reduce the campaign cost:

1.     Get rid of vanity metrics

2.     Make the “Impression to Conversion” (ITC) column

3.     Add more exact-match keywords

4.     Use In-Market Segments in GA

Conclusion: 2023 Is a Year of redefining Online Marketing

In the past two years, Online Marketing has faced many challenges, however, 2023 is the year for redefining it. Today, people expect advertisers to provide them with personalized experiences made strategically for them. As the financial crunch grows and spending wallets tighten, marketing gurus would need to update their strategy in 2023.

Local marketing, social media, influencers, and content creators will continue to play a pivotal role in how people buy online.

Contact Us Today for Your SEO Digital Marketing Needs

Having a strong SEO team in your corner is essential to the success of your digital marketing. If you have any questions about why SEO is important for business or about SEO in general, reach out to us today!

We’d love to chat with you about the importance of SEO and how it can support the success of your business. Give us a call at +1 (912) 988-8020 or fill out our online contact form to tell us what you’re looking for. We look forward to connecting with you!

Categories: Digital Marketing, SEO

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